Modeling of Surface Energy Balance with Monin-Obukhov Similarity Theory Closure


The project is trying to present a modeling algorithm to solve the surface energy balance equation for surface temperature and turbulent fluxes. The algorithm involves Monin-Obukhov similarity theory for aerodynamic resistance and other methods for canopy resistance estimation.

Preliminary Results


  1. 2010_June2 Meeting: Project presentation with several updates.
  2. 2010_July 7: Meeting_Noah and WRF
  3. 2010_Aug 11: One year simulation with NOAH
  4. 2010_Oct 7: Fluxnet radiation vs. NARR
  5. 2010_Nov 17: Urban Parameterization
  6. 2011_FebĀ  3: Parameterization of Heat Roughness Length
  7. 2011_Apr 14: On Improving Sensible Heat Flux Estimate from Radiative Surface Temperature by Lei Zhao

Useful links

  1. Blanken et al. 1997. Energy balance and canopy conductance of a boreal aspen forest: Partitioning overstory and understory components. J. of Geophysical Research. 102: 28,915-28,927.

Latent Heat Flux Comparison

Latent Heat Comparison