In order to better understand and analyze the new Landsat 8 satellite images for environmental monitoring, the Yale Center for Earth Observation is conducting an in-depth analysis into various highlights and shortcomings one should be aware of when handling these satellite images. Below are reports for some topics of interest under two categories: Reflectance (Bands 1-7, 9) and Thermal (Bands 10-11).
Reflectance Bands
Greater than 1 Reflectance Values
Landsat 8: Comparison of TOA Reflectance with SP3
Landsat 5: Radiance/Reflectance Calculation Comparison
Landsat 8: Comparison of TOA Radiance with SP3
Striping: Summary of Sensor Calibration Error
Thermal Bands
Bands 10 and 11 Temperature Comparisons
Temperature and Radiance - SP3 vs. Manual Calculations
Emissivity - SP3 vs. Manual Calculations
Temporal Comparison: Dominica Full Image